
Northwest Face & Body

Mini Facelift

Procedure Time

2 Hours

Recovery Time

3-5 Days

Mini Facelift Bellevue & Kirkland

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A facelift is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the United States. In an independently conducted study that surveyed facelift patients from around the US, 95% were satisfied with their results and believed that the procedure was worth it. A modification of the full facelift–a mini facelift–can provide more youthful looking results while reducing scarring and recovery times. Northwest Face & Body are the leaders of the mini facelift and are happy to offer the procedure to the Kirkland and Greater Seattle area.

With Dr. Philip Young and Dr. Ludwig Allegra leading the facial rejuvenation team, patients can expect the best care and results from their mini facelift. 

Mini Facelift Before & After

How Is a Mini Facelift Different From a Facelift?

In the upper eyelid region, there are two primary factors that can lead to an undesired appearance. The first can best be described as the appearance of excessive or “bunched” skin tissue. However, it is not always best to have excessive skin tissue removed. In many instances, a general laxity of the brow is the culprit. When we age, often times our brows begin to sag, leading to a “bunching” of our skin tissue. By analogy, this appearance is similar to bunching up the sheets at the end of a bed.
In many instances, it is not always best to have excessive skin removed. Once removed, it is very difficult to replace facial skin. If too much facial tissue is removed, an individual is often unsatisfied with the results, but has effectively “burned the bridge” by leaving too little tissue to work with. We routinely see individuals who have undergone upper eyelid surgery only to find out that skin removal did not accomplish the desired goal.
At NW Face, Dr. Allegra and Dr. Young prefer to first perform a comprehensive analysis of a patient’s face to determine exactly why it appears the patient’s skin is sagging. Often times, the best solution is to perform a brow lift. In other instances, the issue really is a roll of excessive skin. Only after we perform an in-depth analysis do we undergo a procedure tailored to the individual and their goals.
The second factor that may affect the appearance of a patient’s upper eyelids is the presence of fatty pockets under the lids themselves. When this is the culprit, we are able to remove these fatty deposits through a miniature incision over the treatment areas.

Concerns A Mini Facelift May Address:

Mini facelift candidates usually have a variety of concerns they hope to address with their procedure. Among some of the common cosmetic issues that your mini facelift may be able to correct include:

  • Saggy jowls
  • Fat deposits in the neck and jowls
  • Excess skin
  • Wrinkles (especially deeper set wrinkles)
  • Sun damage
  • Neckbands (although a neck lift may better address this issue)

A traditional facelift can certainly correct these issues, in addition to extending to the midface. However, not everyone needs correction above the lower face or wants such an extensive procedure. This is where a mini facelift can provide meaningful results with minimal scarring and downtime.

The Kirkland Mini Facelift Technique

Every mini facelift in Kirkland is unique and customized to the patient because both Dr. Young and Dr. Allegra aim to perform only facelifts that will provide individualized results. In general, the mini facelift includes a small incision. Normally, this incision is just behind or in front of the ear. You and Dr. Allegra/Dr. Young will discuss which incision location will best serve your needs.
On the day of your surgery, Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young will make the agreed upon incision and remove excess skin and fat. After removing the necessary skin and fat, he will reposition the skin and sometimes underlying tissues to provide a younger looking appearance, while avoiding unnatural results or making it look like you had a facelift.
Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young will then close your incision discreetly to ensure that they are sufficiently hidden. He may provide a head wrap or other similar garment to wear over the coming days to promote a healthy and successful recovery.
Patients usually have little need for pain medication after their mini facelift in Kirkland. Dr. Allegra may prescribe medications to prevent infection and manage pain, if necessary. Over-the-counter painkillers may also be used as long as you use them under Dr. Allegra’s supervision.

Your Results

Mini facelift results will take some time to become visible. As your swelling goes down and your facial tissues and skin settle into their new positions, you should begin to see your final results in the coming weeks. You should look about ten younger. While you will continue to age, you should look younger after a mini facelift. Though it does not provide the same results as a deep plane facelift or similar SMAS technique facelift.
As far as maintaining your results, the best thing you can do is continue a healthy lifestyle. Managing your weight and health will help ensure your mini facelift results last long after your procedure. Also, those with good skin quality typically see better and longer lasting results. Taking care of your skin and keeping up with a daily skincare routine can help keep your face looking young and promote the general health of your skin

Ideal Candidates

The ideal candidates for a Kirkland mini facelift are in good health, non-smokers, and possess signs of aging that warrant surgical intervention. During a consultation, Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young can help you determine whether a mini facelift (or another type of facelift) will best serve your needs and goals.
Your health is the most important factor that determines whether you are right for a mini facelift. If you or your body will not withstand a surgical procedure, or you have medical conditions like bleeding or blood disorders, cancer, or another major medical illness, a mini facelift could cause more harm than good. After discussing your entire medical history with Dr. Allegra, he can better understand how your health and the procedure will interact.
Only Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young can determine if you are a candidate for a Kirkland mini facelift. Most people who possess good health and a healthy lifestyle are compatible with the procedure, but Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young will need to assess your needs, anatomy, and health during a consultation at Northwest Face & Body.

Recovery After a Mini Facelift in Kirkland

Every patient’s postoperative instructions will vary because the mini facelift procedure is catered especially to an individual’s needs. Dr. Allegra and Dr. Young give some general instructions after his mini facelift procedures that fit nearly every mini facelift in Kirkland.
Firstly, he will ask you to refrain from exercise for at least two weeks. This includes typical strenuous exercises and also head movements should be kept minimal. Too much movement or exercise can increase the bruising which slows down your recovery and healing. Following Dr. Allegra’s or Dr. Young’s custom instructions which may include elevating your head for a period of time will help you heal as quickly as possible.
Secondly, the providers may give you instructions on how to keep your incisions clean. This could include the use of topical antiseptics or easily accessible, over-the-counter ointments. Additionally, he may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection. These protocols will help reduce infections and limit uncomfortable side effects after mini facelift surgery.
Finally, you can expect some minor side effects like bruising, swelling, redness, and general tightness or pain in the surgical area. These side effects normally subside within a week or so, and often you can go out without makeup in as little as one week after surgery. Many patients find that they can be fairly active at home by the second day of recovery. Returning to work and exercise will be determined on a case-by-case basis by Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young.

First Rate Mini Facelifts at Northwest Face & Body

Northwest Face & Body has provided premier plastic surgery procedures to the Kirkland and Greater Seattle area for over 25 years. With a convenient Carillon Point location, Northwest Face & Body will accommodate every part of your surgical experience. For patients traveling from out of town to visit us, we can help you find lodging and help you plan your stay in the area.
We value natural, long lasting results. Using the newest technology and proven techniques, our surgeons will work to give you the best mini facelift results possible. Skilled in many types of facelift and with a deep understanding of the skin and facial structures, Dr. Allegra and Dr. Young are one of the leading facelift surgeons in Kirkland.

Our Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Ludwig Allegra is one of the founders of Northwest Face & Body with over two decades of experience performing aesthetic plastic surgery procedures. He is double board-certified by The American Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery and The American Academy of Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery. Along with plastic surgery, Dr. Allegra has performed a variety of medical procedures which makes him a uniquely skilled surgeon with vast experience in cosmetic and medical surgeries.
Dr. Allegra was one of the first surgeons to pioneer the use of endoscope technology in facial rejuvenation surgeries like facelifts. This revolutionary technique provides facelift results with a minimal incision and the prevention of scarring. He aims to use the least invasive techniques possible for every patient.

Dr. Philip Young is a double-board certified cosmetic surgeon who has created actual changes in facial beauty techniques. Through a revolutionary discovery, Dr. Young created The New Theory of Beauty, which has allowed him to perform facial cosmetic surgeries with an in-depth knowledge of facial symmetry. He has joined our incredible team at Northwest Face & Body to work with our surgeons and create stunning facelifts for every patient.   

Your Consultation

At a consultation at Northwest Face & Body, the providers will ask about your facial concerns and what you want out of your Kirkland mini facelift surgery. Once he understands your cosmetic goals, he will take your medical history and thoroughly review it to ensure a mini facelift is possible for you. The last step of the consultation includes Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young examining your face and neck to definitively determine whether a facelift of any kind will benefit you.
Once the provider decides whether a mini lift will work for you, he will explain your options and provide an idea of what your final results will look like. Dr. Allegra and Dr. Young can help you create a personalized plan for your Kirkland mini facelift that is perfectly catered to your goals and health.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Allegra or Dr. Young at Northwest Face & Body, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also contact us online via our chat, contact form, or Price Simulator™ app.