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What Is A Blepharoplasty?

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The eyes are one of the first areas of the face to show the signs and symptoms of aging. If your eyes are making you look weary, depressed, or angry, regardless of how you feel, you may wish to consider eye surgery or blepharoplasty. A blepharoplasty here at NW Face can give you a more rested appearance and a whole new look.
There are a number of factors that result in an aged appearance around our eyes. One’s genetic heritage is a major factor. There is a distinct similarity amongst family members in the appearance of one’s eyes and the changes they undergo as they age. Additionally, skin care (or lack thereof) and prior sun exposure may affect the progression of aging in this area. Changes in the upper and lower eyelid regions affect the eyes differently.

At Northwest Face & Body, Dr. Philip Young and Dr. Ludwig Allegra have the top experience, knowledge, and training in blepharoplasty surgery. With their expertise, you can receive the top upper blepharoplasty in Kirkland.

What Is An Upper Eyelid Surgery?

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In the upper eyelid region, there are two primary factors that can lead to an undesired appearance. The first can best be described as the appearance of excessive or “bunched” skin tissue. However, it is not always best to have excessive skin tissue removed. In many instances, a general laxity of the brow is the culprit. When we age, oftentimes, our brows begin to sag, leading to a “bunching” of our skin tissue. By analogy, this appearance is similar to bunching up the sheets at the end of a bed.

In many instances, it is not always best to have excessive skin removed. Once removed, it is very difficult to replace facial skin. If too much facial tissue is removed, an individual is often unsatisfied with the results but has effectively “burned the bridge” by leaving too little tissue to work with. We routinely see individuals who have undergone upper eyelid surgery only to find out that skin removal did not accomplish the desired goal.

At NW Face, we prefer to first perform a comprehensive analysis of a patient’s face to determine exactly why it appears the patient’s skin is sagging. Oftentimes, the best solution is to perform a brow lift. In other instances, the issue really is a roll of excessive skin. Only after we perform an in-depth analysis do we undergo a procedure tailored to the individual and their goals.

The second factor that may affect the appearance of a patient’s upper eyelids is the presence of fatty pockets under the lids themselves. When this is the culprit, we are able to remove these fatty deposits through a miniature incision over the treatment areas.

How Long Does It To Take To Recover From An Eyelid Surgery?

In the upper eyelid region, there are two primary factors that can lead to an undesired appearance. The first can best be described as the appearance of excessive or “bunched” skin tissue. However, it is not always best to have excessive skin tissue removed. In many instances, a general laxity of the brow is the culprit. When we age, oftentimes, our brows begin to sag, leading to a “bunching” of our skin tissue. By analogy, this appearance is similar to bunching up the sheets at the end of a bed.

In many instances, it is not always best to have excessive skin removed. Once removed, it is very difficult to replace facial skin. If too much facial tissue is removed, an individual is often unsatisfied with the results but has effectively “burned the bridge” by leaving too little tissue to work with. We routinely see individuals who have undergone upper eyelid surgery only to find out that skin removal did not accomplish the desired goal.

At NW Face, Dr. Young and Dr. Allegra prefer to first perform a comprehensive analysis of a patient’s face to determine exactly why it appears the patient’s skin is sagging. Oftentimes, the best solution is to perform a brow lift. In other instances, the issue really is a roll of excessive skin. Only after we perform an in-depth analysis do we undergo a procedure tailored to the individual and their goals.

The second factor that may affect the appearance of a patient’s upper eyelids is the presence of fatty pockets under the lids themselves. When this is the culprit, we are able to remove these fatty deposits through a miniature incision over the treatment areas.

What Is A Lower Eyelid Surgery?

In the lower lids, the most common problem we see in our office and operating room is the formation of areas of fullness (bagginess) under a patient’s eyes. Closely tied to family genetics, this “baggy” appearance is often seen earlier in life than other issues surrounding a patient’s eyes. This appearance is due to fatty deposits around the eyes not being properly held in position.

Getting into more detail, the supporting structures around our eyes are known medically as the orbital septa. As the septa weaken, eyes can bulge due to fat herniating out of the supported areas, resulting in bulging and overhang of tissue. This “shelf” of tissue casts a shadow, which is what leads to the typical dark circles seen under the patient’s eyes. To fix this problem, Dr. Allegra and Dr. Young at NW Face perform a procedure known as a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. In this treatment, we first make a small incision just inside the eyelid to expose the excess fat. We then remove any excess fat, oftentimes without any skin removal. Patients are left with no visible incisions, no sutures, and a quick recovery. In many cases, results are seen almost instantly.

Getting into more detail, the supporting structures around our eyes are known medically as the orbital septa. As the septa weaken, eyes can bulge due to fat herniating out of the supported areas, resulting in bulging and overhang of tissue. This “shelf” of tissue casts a shadow, which is what leads to the typical dark circles seen under the patient’s eyes. To fix this problem, the surgeons here at NW Face perform a procedure known as a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. In this treatment, we first make a small incision just inside the eyelid to expose the excess fat. We then remove any excess fat, oftentimes without any skin removal. Patients are left with no visible incisions, no sutures, and a quick recovery. In many cases, results are seen almost instantly.

How Long Does It To Take To Recover From An Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgeries are quickly performed under both general and local anesthesia. Oftentimes, the procedures are relatively painless. Recovery times are rapid, with little to no noticeable effects seen as soon as three days later. Side effects, if any, are generally limited to minor bruising around the lower lid region.

Blepharoplasty Before & After Photos

Case 01

Case 02

What Can An Eyelid Surgery Do For Me?

Well-planned eyelid surgery results in a dramatic restoration of the youthful appearance of the eyes, eliminating the heaviness and fatigued look.

How Much Does Eyelid Surgery Cost?

The exact cost of eyelid surgery is going to depend on the amount of work performed and your individual needs. Blepharoplasties performed at Northwest Face & Body typically cost between $4,000 and $6,000. You may visit our price page to review the average costs for our procedures.