Northwest Face & Body

Will A Breast Lift Affect Nipple Sensation?

Dr. Ludwig Allegra

July 14, 2023

Will A Breast Lift Affect Nipple Sensation?

During a breast lift, the nipple is often removed and repositioned higher on the breast to create perkier breasts. Obviously, this raises concerns among some patients concerning the side effects of such a procedure known as a nipple graft. One of the main concerns that patients often ask about is, “Will a breast lift affect nipple sensation?”

A breast lift could potentially affect nipple sensation. It is not uncommon for patients to experience temporary numbness and loss of sensation. Normally, after a few weeks, this will gradually begin to come back. Though, it can sometimes last up to a year in some patients.

While temporary for most, it is sometimes permanent. This is exceedingly rare considering a breast lift is a common surgery, but it can happen. Dr. Allegra can discuss this possibility with you during your consultation. It is not always necessary to remove the nipple during a breast lift. Usually, patients find that sensation starts to come back within three months, if not sooner.


To learn more about Bellevue breast lift surgery and to schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, online form, or Price Simulator.



Dr. Ludwig Allegra

Dr. Ludwig Allegra has provided Bellevue, Kirkland, and the surrounding areas with premier plastic surgery procedures for over two decades.