Can A Tummy Tuck Give You An Hourglass Figure?

An hourglass figure is one of the most highly requested results in all of plastic surgery. Several procedures can achieve this based on a patient’s starting anatomy. Sometimes only the breasts or buttocks need addressed to achieve an hourglass figure, while other times an entire mommy makeover may be necessary. So, can a tummy tuck give you an hourglass figure?
In short, yes, depending on your anatomy. It is common for extra skin to accumulate on the abdomen after pregnancy or weight loss and disguise a woman’s natural hourglass figure. Removing this extra skin and tightening the remaining skin can help restore an hourglass figure.
However, sometimes, a tummy tuck needs to be combined with liposuction to snatch the waist and create the ideal hourglass a patient wants. This is not always necessary, but it often can improve a patient’s result altogether.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.