
Northwest Face & Body

Does Everyone Have Cellulite?

Dr. Ludwig Allegra

July 14, 2023

Does Everyone Have Cellulite?

Cellulite is a skin condition where the collagen strings between fat pull downward on the skin and create small divets. It is most common on the buttocks and thighs. Many people find themselves self-conscious about their cellulite, especially since many creams, weight loss, and other home remedies do not work or only provide a mild improvement. Let’s take a closer look at “Does everyone have cellulite?” and the treatments that can help it to hopefully lessen feelings of self-consciousness.

Women are more likely to get cellulite. In fact, it is estimated that 90% of women above the age of 18 have cellulite or will experience cellulite at some point in their life. Men are less likely to have cellulite because the structure of their skin and fat is different than that of women. However, it is still possible for men to have cellulite. Though it is exceptionally rare.

There are many creams and lifestyle changes that may make a difference in the look of cellulite. They will not work for everyone and some may not provide the difference that a patient wants.  the next best option. The injectable treatment was recently FDA approved for treating cellulite and for many it provides the best and longest lasting results. 

To learn more about cellulite treatment options, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.


Dr. Ludwig Allegra

Dr. Ludwig Allegra has provided Bellevue, Kirkland, and the surrounding areas with premier plastic surgery procedures for over two decades.

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