
Northwest Face & Body

How To Prepare For Abdominoplasty

Dr. Ludwig Allegra

July 14, 2023

How To Prepare For Abdominoplasty

Preparing for surgery is often just as important as recovering from one. Upon consultation, Dr. Allegra will provide pre-operative instructions that may span from the night of surgery to several weeks before. While individualized, there are some basic instructions most patients should follow. Here are some tips on how to prepare for abdominoplasty.

#1: Figure Out The Logistics

Coordinate child care, a caregiver, time off work, and anything else you may need to get to and from surgery. Also, we recommend cleaning your house and doing basic chores right before surgery so that you will not need to do them until you are able to do so. This will keep you more comfortable and ensure that you do not do too much too fast.

#2: Obtain Clearances

Not all patients will require medical clearances before surgery. However, for those that do, tummy tuck surgery cannot proceed until those clearances are obtained. This ensures your safety and fitness for undergoing the procedure.

#3: Do Not Smoke

If you smoke, you will need to stop for several weeks before surgery. Smoking places patients at a much higher risk of complications during and after surgery, especially with a tummy tuck. Patients who smoke are more likely to get all major complications and see worsened scarring. It is also recommended that patients do not drink for at least a few days before surgery.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.


Dr. Ludwig Allegra

Dr. Ludwig Allegra has provided Bellevue, Kirkland, and the surrounding areas with premier plastic surgery procedures for over two decades.