
Northwest Face & Body

Is It Better To Get Implants With A Breast Lift?

Dr. Ludwig Allegra

July 14, 2023

Is It Better To Get Implants With A Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a skin removal procedure that creates a perkier looking breast and repositions the nipple on the breast. The surgery is frequently performed on patients who have experienced sagging breasts due to age or pregnancy. Though, a contributor to breast sagging is volume loss. Thus, patients often ask, “Is it better to get implants with a breast lift?”

The answer to this question will vary widely between patients. It ultimately depends on what the patient wants their breasts to look like after surgery and what is necessary to create a good result. While breast tissue is not traditionally removed during a breast lift, it is possible some could need to be removed along with the skin. In some cases, this may warrant placing breast implants.

Other times, a woman may simply want to restore the volume naturally lost or simply want to take the opportunity to augment their breasts otherwise. For some patients, this will lead to better outcomes while others may see no significant difference in the quality of their results regardless of if they get breast implants with a breast lift.

To learn more and schedule a breast augmentation with lift consultation, call us at 425-576-1700 or reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.


Dr. Ludwig Allegra

Dr. Ludwig Allegra has provided Bellevue, Kirkland, and the surrounding areas with premier plastic surgery procedures for over two decades.

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