Getting little to no sleep is never a good thing. Without a good night’s sleep, we wake up cranky and red-eyed, guzzling cup after cup of coffee until we can finally lie back down in bed and try again. No fun at all. But is the lack of sleep also affecting the health of your skin?Estee Lauder sponsored a new study on the effects of a lack of sleep on skin care. The results were nothing to be thrilled about. At least not if you’re like the millions of other sleep-deprived Americans dealing with busy work days among other responsibilities. The study was conducted at UH Case Medical Center in Cleveland.“This research shows for the first time, that poor sleep quality can accelerate signs of skin aging and weaken the skin’s ability to repair itself at night,” said the vice president of Estee Lauder, Dr. Daniel Yarosh.A group of 60 women between the ages of 30 and 49 participated in the study, half of which considered having poor quality of sleep. Each woman’s skin was evaluated and put through several tests including exposure to UV light.Those who weren’t getting enough sleep showed more signs of aging such as fine lines or wrinkles, uneven pigmentation and weakened skin elasticity. They were also found to have issues with skin dehydration and were more vulnerable to sun damage.While at times it could be hard to get enough sleep, it is important to remember just how important it is for your health and well-being. Experts recommend that adults sleep for seven to eight hours every night. You will go through your day more confident and with beautiful looking skin.If you are struggling with signs of aging, a consultation with Dr. Allegra can help you achieve younger looking skin.
Lack Of Sleep Is Harming Your Skin!

Dr. Ludwig Allegra
July 14, 2023