
Northwest Face & Body

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Procedure Time

1-4 hour

Recovery Time

5 days

Breast Revision

Following breast augmentation surgery, most patients are happy with the look of their breast implants. Occasionally, some women may experience an unsatisfactory result or rare complication. In these cases, patients may want to exchange their breast implants for a different size or type, or they may need them replaced to address an issue. Northwest Face & Body aids women in repairing less than ideal breast augmentation results. Dr. Ludwig Allegra offers his surgical experience and know-how to perform the best breast revision Bellevue and Kirkland offers.

Overview: What Is A Breast Revision?

While plastic surgeons apply “breast revision” to a variety of surgeries, the most common is the exchange of breast implants. Patients may want to change out their breast implants for a different size, type, or to repair a complication. A breast revision surgery may also correct other cosmetic issues with the breasts following augmentation such as asymmetry or sagging.

Patients may seek out a breast revision voluntarily such as to switch out to a more preferred breast implant type, or they may require a revision in the cases of rare complications. Dr. Allegra has years of experience performing breast revision surgery in Bellevue. He understands the many reasons women may choose to undergo a revision and works to achieve the best possible result.

Reasons For Breast Revision Surgery

As previously discussed, there are many reasons why a patient may seek out a breast revision surgery. While necessary revisions occur commonly in the first three years following breast augmentation, some women may seek out a revision because a new breast implant type became available, or simply because their lifestyle no longer calls for their breast implants.

Among some of the most common reasons patients may seek a Bellevue breast revision include:

  • Correction of breast asymmetry following breast augmentation
  • Switch old, outdated breast implants for newer types
  • Change breast implant size
  • Weight loss or gain that distorted the look of the implants
  • Treat capsular contracture
  • Switch out ruptured breast implant(s)
  • Repair symmastia (double bubble)
  • Treat rippling
  • Correction of bottoming out
  • Change out breast implants for a different type (such as switching from saline to silicone)
  • Treatment of breast implant illness
  • Preference, or other cosmetic reasons

Regardless of your reasons for wanting a breast revision, Dr. Ludwig Allegra and Northwest Face & Body will listen to your concerns and create a customized treatment plan.

Breast Revision Procedures

No two breast revision procedures are exactly alike. Every patient has unique needs and goals. Therefore, a Bellevue breast revision can include a few different procedures based upon your motivations for breast implant revision and needs. A few of these procedures that Dr. Allegra may perform include:

En Bloc Removal:

An en bloc breast implant removal is a procedure often part of a breast revision. It removes the breast implant and the entire capsule around it. This is most common when capsular contracture occurs. Although Dr. Allegra may still perform an en bloc procedure even when capsular contracture did not occur.

Capsular contracture is a breast augmentation complication where scar tissue thickens around the breast implant. It is normal for a thin layer of scar tissue to form around the implant. However, if it causes pain, feels hard, or distorts the look of your implants, a breast revision may become necessary to treat and correct it.

When a patient chooses to replace their breast implants after an en bloc removal, the surgery becomes a breast revision. Some patients may choose not to replace their breast implants. Therefore, the surgery would simply be an en bloc breast implant removal.

Implant Placement:

Following the removal of your previous breast implants, Dr. Allegra will place new breast implants. Often, he can utilize the same breast pocket where your old implants sat. If this is not the case, he will create a new breast implant pocket. If you previously had breast implants above the muscle, this offers an opportunity to place them below the pectoral muscle. With a double bubble, Dr. Allegra may need to repair the breast implant pocket.

Dr. Allegra will then place your new Bellevue breast implants. For silicone implants, Dr. Allegra utilizes the “no touch method” which uses a device known as a Keller funnel. With this technique, Dr. Allegra nor any of the surgical staff physically touch the breast implant. This significantly decreases the chances of implant contamination. Therefore, reducing the chances of capsular contracture.

Breast Lift:

Some patients may need a breast lift to achieve the best results from their breast revision in Bellevue. In this case, Dr. Allegra will make an incision likely to extend down the breast and possibly through the fold. The incision depends on the amount of breast ptosis. This results in perkier breasts that will better complement your new breast implants.

How can you tell if you may need a breast lift as part of a breast revision surgery? If your nipples point downward, or breasts noticeably sag, this is a good indicator you may need a lift. Patients more likely to need a breast lift may include:

  • Women who have had children since their breast augmentation surgery
  • Patients who have had their breast implants for long periods
  • Women who chose larger breast implants
  • Patients who originally needed a breast lift, but did not receive one
  • Older patients
  • Patient genetically dispositioned to develop saggy breasts

Bellevue Breast Revision Before And After At Northwest Face & Body

The choice to undergo a breast revision surgery often takes time to make. It can include consulting with multiple surgeons and research. At Northwest Face & Body, our renowned plastic surgeons will always make you feel comfortable and welcome. Our Medicare-certified surgical center uses state-of-the-art technology to give you the best breast revision experience.

Consultation With Dr. Ludwig Allegra

To begin the process of undergoing a breast revision in Bellevue, you will come for a consultation with Dr. Ludwig Allegra. He will want to understand your concerns with your breast implants and your goals for a revision. Dr. Allegra will also want to garner a good understanding of your medical history.

At this point, Dr. Allegra will physically examine your breasts. He can then decide if you are a good candidate for breast revision surgery. Dr. Allegra may also use Vectra 3D imaging to simulate your results. Upon determining your candidacy, Dr. Allegra will create a personalized surgical plan focused on promoting the best possible results.

Breast Revision Surgery In Bellevue

On the day of surgery, you will come to our Medicare-certified, ambulatory surgical center in Kirkland. The Northwest Face & Body team will prepare you for surgery and Dr. Allegra will make pre-operative marks. Following a successful check-in and pre-operative exam, a licensed anesthesia provider will place you under general anesthesia.

Dr. Allegra will then begin surgery. The surgery itself will vary based on your needs, but usually, he will remove your breast implants first. Once Dr. Allegra removes the implants and necessary scar tissue, he will prepare to place the new breast implants. If placing saline breast implants, Dr. Allegra will fill them following placement. If you choose silicone or gummy bear breast implants, he will use the “no touch method” to place your implants.

Following breast implant placement, Dr. Allegra will perform any other procedures needed to obtain the best results. This could include a skin excision procedure such as a breast lift, or may only include closing the breast augmentation incisions.


A breast augmentation revision recovery is often noted to be easier and less time than the first augmentation. Likely this has to do with the stretching of the chest muscle. If your breast implants were placed under the muscle, then subsequent implants placed do not stretch chest muscle as much.

Despite this, while patients may experience less pain during a breast revision, it still requires time off and a recovery period. Normally, patients can return to work and most activities in about a week. Like with the first breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Allegra may continue to restrict certain activities for a few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dr. Allegra Use My Previous Breast Augmentation Incision?

Possibly, this largely depends on which breast augmentation incision your surgeon used for the original surgery. If it was the inframammary fold incision, Dr. Allegra can almost certainly utilize this incision for your breast revision. He can also likely reuse a periareolar incision.

Generally, the transaxillary and transumbilical breast augmentation incision cannot be reused for breast revision purposes. Dr. Allegra will likely need to create a new incision (likely one in the inframammary fold) to achieve the best results.

Do I Have To Switch Out My Implants During Breast Revision?

In some cases, Dr. Allegra can perform a procedure to correct breast augmentation results without switching out breast implants. This occurs often when the breast implants cause no physical problems and the patient has only cosmetic concerns.

Many patients want only a small increase or to fill in rippling. A fat transfer to the breasts or fat grafting may achieve these goals without replacing breast implants unnecessarily.

Is It Possible To Go Smaller?

Yes, many women do downsize their breast implants during breast revision surgery. This is extremely common when the size of breast implants no longer matches a patient’s lifestyle. Dr. Allegra can discuss the size and implant type possibilities for your Bellevue breast revision at a consultation.

How Long After Breast Augmentation Can I Get A Revision?

Most plastic surgeons recommend waiting at least one year after your breast augmentation to seek out a breast revision surgery. You should also follow up with your original surgeon to discuss your concerns, if possible, before coming to Dr. Allegra.

If it has been more than one year since your breast augmentation and reaching the original surgeon is not a possibility, Northwest Face & Body is happy to see you and discuss your Bellevue breast augmentation options.

How Much Is A Breast Revision?

Breast revision surgery with Dr. Allegra will vary widely based on what he needs to accomplish. Your breast implant choice also impacts the cost. To best serve you, we keep our base prices on our Price List. Additionally, we also utilize the Price Simulator™ app which allows you to explore your plastic surgery options at Northwest Face & Body. After choosing the ones you are interested in, Price Simulator™ provides you with a customized, preliminary price quote.

The Best Breast Revision Bellevue And Kirkland Offers

Northwest Face & Body is a premier plastic surgery clinic in Kirkland, WA that has served the Eastside since 1983. Our ambulatory surgical center meets the most rigorous standards and is Medicare accredited. Located on the shores of Lake Washington, Northwest Face & Body provides the best plastic surgery procedures in Bellevue and Kirkland.

Dr. Ludwig Allegra is an accomplished plastic surgeon with over two decades of experience providing high quality surgical procedures. He is an experienced breast surgeon who performs many breast surgeries, including breast revisions, every month. A dedicated plastic surgeon, Dr. Ludwig Allegra, aims to exceed patient needs and expectations.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Ludwig Allegra at Northwest Face & Body, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also connect with us online via chat, our Price Simulator app™, and contact form.