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Breast Augmentation: Silicone

Silicone Breast Augmentation Bellevue And Kirkland

The breasts serve as an important focal point of a womanly physique. For women dissatisfied with their breasts, or who have seen major changes in shape or size, this can cause self-consciousness and decreased confidence. Breast augmentation surgery can restore lost breast tissue and create fuller, rounder breasts. Silicone breast implants are one option for breast augmentation that can provide natural looking and feeling results. Primarily, plastic surgeons perform breast augmentation to bring back confidence and change patient lives for the better. Northwest Face & Body performs the best silicone breast augmentation Bellevue and Kirkland offers.

What Is Silicone Breast Augmentation?

Silicone breast augmentation is a breast augmentation method that uses silicone breast implants to enhance the breasts. This type of implant is used in over half of breast augmentation surgeries in the United States. In fact, some surgeons have switched to only placing silicone implants.

Breast augmentation patients have many motivations for seeking surgery. Some have genetically smaller breasts disproportionate to their body. Others may have lost breast tissue over time due to breastfeeding and age. Silicone breast implants can address both of these issues. Additionally, when it comes to breast deformities, such as tuberous breasts or extreme asymmetry, silicone breast augmentation may also improve these conditions.

Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are not the only breast implant option available. Generally, there are two main types of breast implants that plastic surgeons offer saline and silicone. Each breast implant can provide good results in the right patient.

While silicone implants have become a favorite among plastic surgeons and patients, it can be difficult to choose between saline and silicone. The table below compares saline versus silicone implants to give you an idea of which breast implant may be best for your Bellevue breast augmentation.


  • Filled during surgery
  • Saline filled
  • Smaller incision
  • Compatible with all breast augmentation techniques
  • More likely to ripple, especially in subglandular position or petite patients
  • Firmer feel that some patients may not prefer
  • Silent rupture does not occur and monitoring easier


  • Pre-filled
  • Filled with silicone gel
  • Requires larger incision
  • Not compatible with transumbilical breast augmentation
  • Rippling unlikely in any placement
  • May benefit women with little natural breast tissue
  • Looks and feels natural
  • Soft, similar to real breast tissue
  • May have a lower overall complication rate

Your Bellevue plastic surgeon can discuss the differences between saline and silicone breast implants in more detail during a consultation. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference. Silicone breast implants remain the most popular choice among Bellevue breast augmentation patients. Additionally, Dr. Allegra uses Vectra 3D imaging to allow you to see how different implant types and sizes will look on your specific body.


Bellevue Breast Augmentation Techniques

When it comes to placing silicone breast implants, there are three techniques your plastic surgeon can use: the inframammary, periareolar, and transaxillary methods. Northwest Face & Body’s plastic surgeons are well versed in all breast augmentation techniques and experienced at placing silicone breast implants.

Inframammary Fold:

The inframammary fold incision is considered one of the best for placing breast implants. It offers a low complication rate, avoids the milk ducts, and gives your plastic surgeon ample access to the breast anatomy. Therefore, it is among one of the most popular incision choices for silicone breast augmentation. Other benefits of the inframammary fold incision include:

  • Incision and future scarring well hidden in natural creases
  • Low risk to the milk ducts
  • May have lower infection rates than other incision locations
  • Offers most ideal access to the surgeon that reduces the chances of malposition
  • Capsular contracture rates often lower when breast implants are placed through the inframammary fold
  • Unlikely to affect nipple sensation long term
  • Can accommodate all breast implant types


The periareolar incision follows the border between the areola and skin. The areola is the darker pigmented skin that circles the nipple. Typically, a periareolar incision creates a half-circle shape the circles the bottom half of the areola.

The main advantage of this breast augmentation incision is that it is unlikely to cause thick scars. However, out of the incision options for silicone breast augmentation, it is more likely to affect the ability to breastfeed. Additionally, not every patient has big enough areolas for this technique to be plausible. Some of the benefits of the periareolar technique are:

  • Normally heals with little to no scarring
  • May benefit patients prone to raised or bad scarring
  • Can accommodate all types of breast implants
  • Easy to cover following surgery
  • Offers surgeon adequate access to place breast implants accurately
  • Keloids and hypertrophic scars rare


The transaxillary breast augmentation technique utilizes an incision in the armpit. The armpit incision is increasingly popular because it keeps scarring completely off the breasts. Like the periareolar incision, it is also unlikely to cause keloids or extremely noticeable scarring.

Some plastic surgeons believe that it is impossible to place a pre-filled silicone implant through an armpit scar. In the right patient, however, it is possible to place a silicone breast implant through a transaxillary incision. Benefits of the transaxillary breast augmentation incision can include:

  • No incision or scarring on the breasts
  • Can lead to easier recovery because it offers easy access to behind the muscle
  • Little risk to the nipple or milk ducts
  • Hidden easy in natural folds of the body
  • Preferred for individuals who may have a higher risk of keloid or hypertrophic scars
  • Can accommodate saline and silicone breast implants

Silicone Breast Implant Placement: Over Or Under The Muscle?

Decades ago, it was commonplace to insert breast implants just below the natural breast tissue, between the chest muscle and glands. This is known as a subglandular or over the muscle placement. This placement can have many benefits for patients. However, it has largely been abandoned in favor of the submuscular, or under the muscle placement.

Submuscular placement involves lifting the pectoralis muscle and placing the breast implant partially underneath. This placement lowers the risk of capsular contracture and can contribute to more natural looking results.

There is an in-between placement where the breast implant is partially under and above the muscle, known as dual plane. This offers many of the advantages of an over the muscle placement while still lowering the rate of capsular contracture.

While plastic surgeons largely favor submuscular placement, there are some cases where a subglandular placement may be best. At a consultation, you can discuss breast implant placement with your plastic surgeon.

Advantages Of Submuscular Breast Implant Placement:

Placing silicone breast implants under the muscle comes with many advantages, such as:

  • Lower rates of capsular contracture
  • Better for patients with little natural breast tissue, or who are particularly thin
  • Unlikely to show rippling
  • Results can look more natural

Advantages Of Subglandular Breast Implant Placement:

When placing silicone breast implants, an above the muscle placement can offer benefits like:

  • May provide a slight lift
  • Less likely to become malpositioned over time
  • No muscle distortion with certain movements
  • May benefit women who have a good amount of breast tissue
  • Quicker, less painful recovery (in some cases)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Silicone Or Saline Breast Implants Safer?

Both saline and silicone breast implants are FDA approved and perfectly safe for Kirkland breast augmentation surgery. Some patients may prefer saline implants because a rupture would become evident within a matter of days, if not immediately. Conversely, silicone breast implants are linked to lower rates of capsular contracture and complications. Overall, saline and silicone breast implants both offer a safe option for breast augmentation.

What To Expect After Silicone Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Recovery after silicone breast augmentation surgery varies between patients. Usually, patients can expect some similarities in their recovery. Common side effects such as bruising, swelling, pain, and general discomfort typically last about a week. Your Kirkland plastic surgeon will provide pain medication to manage these side effects.

Most breast augmentation patients return to work within a week. If you have a physical job, you may need to take more time off and return to light duty. Patients usually begin to return to some normalcy within three to four days. Some may return to work at this point, but this occurs on a case-by-case basis.

Final results will take time to settle in. With nearly all cosmetic surgeries, skin and tissue settling and full swelling resolution can take nine months to a year. Most patients will see symptoms subside in about two months. Then, final cosmetic results after about a year.

Do Silicone Breast Implants Feel Real?

Silicone breast implants are known for their natural look and feel. Some types of silicone implants, such as gummy bear breast implants, may provide the most natural results. Since silicone implants are made of silicone gel, they mimic the soft feel of natural breast tissue.

When To Replace Silicone Breast Implants?

There is no reason to replace silicone breast implants if you have no issues. In general, it is estimated that the risk of necessary implant replacement goes up about one percent each year. That said, silicone breast implants have been known to last years. Also, most breast implants come with a warranty from the manufacturer.

What Is The Cost For Breast Augmentation Surgery?

The price of breast augmentation in Kirkland fluctuates based on silicone implant choice, surgical technique, and other factors. Our Price Simulator™ app offers the base pricing for all our breast augmentation procedures. A better price quote will be provided at your consultation.

Northwest Face & Body Offers The Best Silicone Breast Augmentation In Bellevue And Kirkland

Choosing a breast augmentation surgeon can take time and research. At Northwest Face & Body, our plastic surgeons have decades of experience performing all types of breast augmentation surgeries. With refined skills in cosmetic breast surgery, our Bellevue plastic surgeons will answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide you with a comprehensive silicone breast augmentation plan.

Northwest Face & Body is a premier plastic surgery practice located in Kirkland, WA. Easily accessible from I-405 and minutes away from Bellevue, Northwest Face & Body provides the Eastside with the best breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Ludwig Allegra is an accomplished surgeon who has practiced in the Greater Seattle and Bellevue areas since 1983.

To schedule a consultation at Northwest Face & Body, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach us online via our contact page, Price Simulator™, or contact form.