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Tummy Tuck

Procedure Time

1-2 Hours

Recovery Time

1 Month

Tummy Tuck

Procedure Time: 1-2 hours

Recovery Time: 1 month

Tummy Tuck Bellevue & Kirkland (Abdominoplasty Surgery)

Despite your many efforts to strengthen and tighten your core, you still have an uncomfortable and unsightly protruding stomach. From stomach crunches to foods you believe will help burn “belly fat”, you’ve tried them all. Thankfully, there is a way you can tighten the loose skin and tissue of your abdomen and we’re here to assist. Northwest Face & Body offers Bellevue tummy tuck procedures that firm and tighten the abdomen skin and muscles, ensuring a smoother and sleeker look.

Tummy Tucks are considered by many, as one of the most rewarding of all aesthetic procedures performed. The ability to dramatically restore the abdominal region to a much more youthful appearance is reliably accomplished with a tummy tuck Bellevue at Northwest Face & Body. Typically, you’re able to return to normal activities in a relatively short amount of time, with minimal to no discomfort. Dr. Ludwig A. Allegra provides complete tummy tuck procedures with proficiency, skill, experience, and a high rate of success. As a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Allegra is one of the most sought-after top certified medical providers of his popular procedure, that eliminates your excess stomach volume, resulting in a firm and flat abdomen, you will be confident showcasing!

Tummy Tuck Cost, Recovery, & Techniques By Dr. Allegra | Kirkland & Bellevue

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Understanding a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is the technique of removing excess tissue that causes bulging and droopiness of the abdomen. The end result is a firmer and tighter abdominal that offers the patient a youthful and contoured mid-section.

A traditional tummy tuck involves the extraction of fatty skin tissue, which then allows for the removal of the excess tissue. Additionally, it also involves the belly button needing to be released from its skin attachments and its repositioned. The patient now has a smooth abdominal region.

In most cases, the abdominoplasty procedure provides support to the abdominal wall region by tightening the tissue in the midline. This corrects any Pseudo herniation of the region. The final effect is a tremendous improvement of the abdomen, with the addition of a reduced waist size as well.

As a procedure that can be tailored to your specific needs, your abdominoplasty will be unique, helping to accomplish your desires and goals. The most common type of tummy tuck Dr. Allegra performs is the traditional tummy tuck, in which general anesthesia utilized. This tummy tuck entails the doctor making some of the largest incisions in the abdomen, which can extend from each of the patient’s hips and continue around the belly button. Other types of tummy tuck may involve a shorter incision like with a mini abdominoplasty and others may involve a larger incision like an extended tummy tuck. Not only does this traditional tummy tuck involve the removal of unwanted and excess skin from the entire abdomen, but it also produces some of the most dramatic results. Dr. Allegra also has an opportunity to firm and tighten any underlying muscles with the traditional abdominoplasty procedure as well. This is known as muscle plication.

Given the intensity of the traditional tummy tuck, this procedure is ideal for patients who need to address a substantial amount of abdominal tissue and volume in both the upper and lower abdominal areas.

The History of the Tummy Tuck

Like many other cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, abdominoplasty was originally developed for medical reasons. Surgeons used abdominoplasty to address protrusion of the belly button or treating umbilical hernias. In the past, physicians would encounter individuals who not only had protruding umbilicus but excess fat and skin and fat in the abdomen.

During the first “dermolipectomies” (the French term for a tummy tuck) performed in the 1890s, French doctors removed the excess skin of patients, in an effort to improve access to the herniated tissue. During this procedure, doctors also found that the treatment also offered patients a vast and immediate improvement in their body contour. Given the success of early tummy tucks, the procedure gained popularity in the United States, with the first tummy tuck performed in Maryland back in 1899.

Soon, both patients as well as physicians noted the aesthetic benefits, leading to improvements with the procedure. The tummy tuck has evolved as a procedure that is done for cosmetic reasons. In today’s day and age, many individuals turn to tummy tucks to resolve loose, dangling, and unsightly abdominal skin and tissue.

The first plastic surgeon came to the Seattle area in 1911. Like elsewhere, tummy tuck Kirkland procedures were largely performed to treat wounds or war injuries. Hernias may also be corrected using a tummy tuck. It was not until the late 20th century that the Bellevue tummy tuck became more popular and widespread.


What happens during my consultation?

You’re ready to explore your Bellevue tummy tuck options and we’re ready to discuss them with you! Kirkland’s Northwest Face and Body provide the most caring, understanding, and respectable environment for your procedure with Dr. Allegra leading our skilled team. During your private meeting at our Kirkland offices, we will discuss your options with you in detail. Then, we will carefully listen to your problems, concerns, and issues with your existing abdomen. Next, we will assess your cosmetic imperfections. We will also take images and measurements of your current body, and then create a custom abdominoplasty treatment plan, designed to contour and sculpt the stellar and exquisite appearance you want and deserve.

What is a mini tummy tuck?

In some cases, Dr. Allegra may recommend a mini tummy tuck for you. Not only is this a shorter, easier, and less intensive procedure, but it’s perfect for patients who want to remove a very small and confined amount of fat and tissue in the abdominal area. For some patients, they don’t suffer from vast amounts of excess skin or protruding stomach areas. Generally performed under IV sedation and local anesthesia, your mini tummy tuck procedure will involve Dr. Allegra making a small incision located just above the pubic area. Afterward, the scar from your treatment will be minimal and very easy to conceal with clothing, swimsuits, and other garments. The mini tuck will help to restore your lower abdomen making it tight, taut, smooth, and firm.

What is the tummy tuck Bellevue going to do for me?

With your tummy tuck performed by a proficient Bellevue-area board-certified cosmetic surgeon, it will:

  • Permanently eliminate large and loose folds of abdominal skin
  • Give you a contoured and sculpted and defined mid-section
  • Tighten any loose and flabby skin that tends to get in the way of clothing
  • Resolve issues of the abdomen that come with pregnancy, childbirth, weight loss, and aging and that have not been resolved with diet and exercise

How long has Dr. Allegra been performing Bellevue abdominoplasty surgery?

Dr. Allegra has been performing tummy tuck procedures for over a decade. He couples each procedure with medical knowledge and artistry, to produce a finished, tight, and firm abdomen, patients can’t wait to show off!

Who is the ideal candidate for tummy tuck in Bellevue?

A viable candidate for a Bellevue tummy tuck is a person who has excessive amounts of fat and tissue that are hanging, bothersome and makes clothing bulky and ill-fitting. Candidates should also be non-smokers, have overall optimum health, and committed to the procedure as well as the recovery regimen.

I haven’t had children yet. Can I still get a tummy tuck?

It’s recommended that a tummy tuck be performed after childbearing is done. If you plan on having children in the near future, it is best to wait to have your tummy tuck, after pregnancy and childbirth. Having a tummy tuck before you have a child may prove to be counterproductive. Take the appropriate time needed to think about your desire to have children and how to factor the procedure into your lifestyle.

How do I prepare for my tummy tuck?

Dr. Allegra recommends that tummy tuck patients take the time to analyze the concerns your large abdomen presents. For example, if a large number of your pants or skirts do not fit well, due to your large stomach and exercise alone is not helping, then a tummy tuck may be ideal for you. Upon deciding to have your tummy tuck Kirkland procedure, it’s important to plan around work as well as events and activities. It’s important to prepare your home for rest and relaxation. You may want to give your home a thorough cleaning before your surgery, as you will not be able to bend, turn around and move for some time afterward.

Additionally, it’s important to have items in a place that allows for easy access. For example, for plates and cups that you use to eat and drink, you may wish to take them down from their places in your cupboard or cabinets, and have them more accessible to you. Areas of your home such as a den or sitting area, your bathroom, and your bedroom, may need designated areas in which medications and other items are easily accessible. Your nightstand may be perfect to house a crate or bin filled with bandages, creams, medications, and other necessities as you heal and recover from your procedure.

Will my tummy tuck have permanent results?

It’s recommended that a tummy tuck be performed after childbearing is done. If you plan on having children in the near future, it is best to wait to have your tummy tuck, after pregnancy and childbirth. Having a tummy tuck before you have a child may prove to be counterproductive. Take the appropriate time needed to think about your desire to have children and how to factor the procedure into your lifestyle.

Can I combine my tummy tuck with other procedures?

Absolutely! Be sure to mention other parts of the body you feel need maintenance or correction, during your private tummy tuck Belleuve consultation with Dr. Allegra. Many patients combine their tummy tuck procedure with a breast augmentation or liposuction procedure. It is also popular to combine a tummy tuck with a thigh lift. Depending on the amount of work that needs to be done, a patient’s health, and age, Dr. Allegra will recommend whether other procedures can be performed during the day of your tummy tuck procedure, or if they need to be performed at a later time.

What kind of scarring will I have?

As an accomplished board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Allegra will make your incisions in low and inconspicuous places on the body. He’ll look at making your incision in the low “panty line” or “undergarment line” area of the abdomen. As a result, your incision will be very well concealed with clothing and undergarments. Dr. Allegra makes consorted efforts to make the incision as clean, precise, and direct as possible. Over time and with proper treatment, healing and recovery, the incision can become a very fine line, appearing very faint on the skin!


What is the recovery time of a tummy tuck?

The tummy tuck recovery is generally not cumbersome or a huge hindrance. In fact, many of Dr. Allegra’s tummy tuck patients experience pain for only a few days, after the procedure. Some patients return to work a week after their tummy tuck procedures! Your recovery will be smooth and all pain is manageable with prescribed medications. Dr. Allegra will also make recommendations for healing and recovery that promote health and wellness.

What is the average cost of a tummy tuck in Bellevue?

According to Dr. Allegra, your tummy tuck can range in cost. The specific costs are related to the degree of tissue located in the abdomen. Ultimately, the cost of your procedure will depend upon the complexity of the procedure. To get a good understanding of the starting price of a Bellevue tummy tuck, try our Price Simulator™. We also provide a price list that provides our starting, basic costs.

Why should I have my tummy tuck at Northwest Face & Body with Dr. Allegra?

Northwest Face & Body is a facility that provides Bellevue-area residents with the most complete and comprehensive cosmetic procedures. Dr. Allegra and his team of medical professionals have the experience, diligence, devotion, and dedication every patient needs and deserves.

As a state-of-the-art facility, Northwest Face & Body combines our expertise and skillset, with understanding, care, compassion, and respect to all patients. Dr. Allegra and his medical team realize that you have options when it comes to your tummy tuck. We stand with gratitude for the patients who choose our facility for their cosmetic, restorative, and corrective procedures. At Kirkland’s Northwest Face & Body, we aim to exceed, not just meet your expectations for your Bellevue plastic surgery.

Tips For Day Of Surgery And Scheduling

You will also need a trusted friend or family member to drive you home the day of your surgery, as you will be unable to drive yourself. Loose-fitting clothing will be ideal, as you will return home with bandages around your abdomen. Planning your surgery around big events and occasions such as parties and other social gatherings is paramount. It may be counterproductive to schedule a tummy tuck a week before your high school reunion. Although your recovery time will not be a lengthy one, you may want to have ample time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Also, consider letting associates and colleagues at work, know that you will be undergoing a surgical procedure that may require some time away. If coming from Vancouver, or other further away areas, you may need to stay in the US longer.

Contact Northwest Face & Body For Tummy Tuck!

For the tummy tuck you desire, we hope to assist! Call us at 425.576.1700 to schedule a consultation. You also connect with us online via chat, Price Simulator™, or our contact us page. We look forward to helping you live your best life!