What Is The Success Rate Of Botox For Migraines?

People who suffer from chronic migraines often have their life interrupted by their intense headaches. There are several medical treatments but not all will work for every person. Additionally, many will find the best relief when combining treatments. One of the most effective options for reducing the frequency of chronic migraines is Botox. What is the success rate of Botox for migraines?
On average, Botox for migraines is somewhere between 60% and 80% effective for chronic migraine sufferers. Generally, this is determined based on the frequency of headaches after undergoing three rounds of Botox treatment approximately three months apart.
Instead of having migraines most days every month, many people will see a significant reduction in the number of migraines they have per month. While it may not totally subside, for many, this is enough to make Botox worth it. Additionally, patients can undergo most other migraine treatments alongside Botox injections.
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