Northwest Face & Body

Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution With CoolSculpting® At Northwest Face & Body

Dr. Ludwig Allegra

July 14, 2023

Come the New Year, many of us here in the Northwest make the resolution to stay fit and healthy. In fact, data pulled from Google showed that in the last year, “get healthy” was searched nearly 63 million times. While we make valiant attempts, sometimes diet and exercise are just not enough to help us achieve the fit figure we desire. At Northwest Face & Body, we have had great success helping our patients achieve the body they want with CoolSculpting.Read on to find out how CoolSculpting can help you in the coming year.

Targets Stubborn Pockets of Fat

While we each carry weight differently, there are certain areas that are consistently hard to target including our stomachs, love handles, and the dreaded muffin top, as well as our thighs and saddle bags. CoolSculpting was designed to effectively treat these particularly troublesome areas. The CoolSculpting applicator fits around these areas to define and contour otherwise difficult-to-treat areas.

Results are Permanent

Whereas the results of other methods may be fleeting and take continuous upkeep, CoolSculpting offers permanent results. Working deep into the body’s soft tissues, CoolSculpting cools fat cells to a temperature that triggers their natural death. Our bodies have a finite number of fat cells, and once they are destroyed, they are gone for good.

Can Be Performed Multiple Times

You can keep up the good results with multiple CoolSculpting sessions. With each treatment, our patients here in Kirkland can expect to see a 20 to 25 percent reduction in stubborn fat of the treated area. We recommend a series of two to four treatments spaced six to eight weeks apart.At Northwest Face & Body, we understand that New Year’s resolutions can be hard to keep. Let our experienced team help you stick to and achieve your goal of staying fit and healthy in 2017!


Dr. Ludwig Allegra

Dr. Ludwig Allegra has provided Bellevue, Kirkland, and the surrounding areas with premier plastic surgery procedures for over two decades.